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Krajcik and Schneider present at International Seminar for STEAM Doctoral Students
Dr. Joe Krajcik and Dr. Barbara Schneider were invited guests and presenters at a ClimComp consortium meeting held at the University of Helsinki, Finland, on August 23, 2022. "Learning of the competencies of effective climate change mitigation and adaptation in the education system" (ClimComp) is a research project funded by the Academy of Science Finland, 2021-2024. Dr. Krajcik talked about 'Grand Challenges' in climate education; Dr. Schneider's talk focused on investigating optimal learning moments.
On August 24, Dr. Krajcik was invited to lead a workshop on research-based design of teaching/learning modules, pointing to CREATE's 'Crafting Engaging Science Environments' (CESE/PIRE) project for examples. This event was open to doctoral students in Finland, Estonia, and Israel, and is a part of the Horizon 2020 SciCar project.
On August 25, Dr. Schneider, co-PI of the CESE/PIRE project, was plenary speaker at a morning session chaired by Dr. Jari Lavonen of the University of Helsinki, and one of the international collaborators on the CESE/PIRE project. Later in the day, Dr. Krajcik participated in a conference for graduate students in order to provide feedback on their research.
CREATE deeply values its relationship with the University of Helsinki, and looks forward to future collaborations.
Cologne, Germany site of Grand Challenges conference, May 2022
Challenges such as global pandemics, climate change, and fresh water shortages are viewed by today's students around the world as urgent issues that can and will affect their lives. The solutions to these and other global problems require solutions that blend scientific, technical and economic, political, and educational perspectives. These complex issues are referred to as the Grand Challenges.
Studies have shown that students around the world want to learn about these issues in school, yet very few have the opportunity to do so. Student interest and school science do not intersect in a way that fosters students' sense of science as being relevant, and they typically leave school underprepared to employ science and scientific ideas in their careers or in public debate.
The Fritz Thyssen Stiftung Foundation has funded a convening of a group of international experts, including CREATE Director Joseph Krajcik, to examine radically restructuring science education around the Grand Challenges and students' desire to be well-informed on these issues. The outcomes will lead to a better understanding of how such a shift might happen, a thorough examination of challenges, and a solid research agenda to guide evidence-based design and evaluation of such a shift. A white paper will be made freely and widely available to the public as a final result of this work.
Krajcik appointed as international expert for PISA 2025
Joe Krajcik, Director of the CREATE for STEM Institute and a Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education at Michigan State University, has been selected to participate as an international expert for PISA 2025.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) developed the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) initiative in 2000 in order to test the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students in reading, mathematics, and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges. PISA 2025 is taking place at Oxford University from November 23-25, 2021. The expert writing team will develop an assessment tool that will be administered to 80 countries, with science as the focus. Findings from these assessments have significant policy implications for all of these countries.
Learn more about PISA.
Learn more about OECD.
APEC 's STEM-plus Education and gender issues
Dr. Joseph Krajcik, Director of CREATE for STEM Institute, participated in a two-day virtual (March 2021) event hosted by Chinese Taipei entitled “Cross-Border Human Capacity Building for Glocalized Scientific Literacy: Phase 2-STEM+ Education for School Girls, Women, and Teacher Professional Development.” Co-funded by APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) and Chinese Taipei’s Ministry of Education the goal was to provide a platform for participants from member economies to exchange thoughts and ideas concerning STEM+ Education and relevant gender issues, particularly for female learners.
This workshop built upon the initial work that was presented at the inaugural conference held in 2019.
Learn more about the event
Joe Krajcik's presentation
CREATE featured in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - CERI report
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Drawing on 60 years of experience, the goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all and creating insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow. OECD collaborates with governments, policymakers, and citizens.
The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) provides and promotes international comparative research, innovation and key indicators, explores forward-looking and innovative approaches to education and learning, and facilitates bridges between educational research, innovation and policy development.
Recently, OECD-CERI worked with networks of schools and teachers in 11 countries to decipher "what it means to teach, learn and make progress in creativity and critical thinking in primary and secondary education." Creativity and critical thinking are key skills for complex, globalised and increasingly digitalised economies and societies - but what does that look like in schools?
This was the focus of the Fostering Students' Creativity and Critical Thinking report.
Participation in the project led to a bank of lesson plans, freely available as open educational resources. We are delighted that three of CREATE's products are in the bank, listed below:
Multiple Literacies (ML-PBL) Toys unit
Crafting Optimal Learning in Science Environments (CESE) Forces and Motion unit
Health in Our Hands (HiOH) What Controls My Health?
You may read the entire report online as a PDF, or download/purchase for a fee.